Words can change Worlds
The Little Free Library ProgrammeThe Little Free Library in De Rust, South Africa
The Little Free Library is a gift to the De Rust community (Western Cape Province), from YOUPSA in partnership with the antique shop Mengelmoeskardoes. We are thrilled about this exciting addition to the community. It is there for everyone to enjoy. All the books in the Little Free Library are FREE! This is not a business, i.e. the books are never for resale.
The purpose of this LFL is to bring joy, connection, communication and exchange, and a whole lot more books to the community. The library contains books on all topics of life, for all ages, in Afrikaans and English. Anyone can just browse through the interesting collection of books in the Little Free Library, and take away what they would like to read. One can also leave a book there for others to enjoy.
This is only the 6th Little Free Library in South Africa! Around the world there are already more than 100 000 LFLs, in 85 countries. Next time you visit the Klein Karoo, come and enjoy this beautiful community book exchange at Mengelmoeskarodes, 29 Schoeman Straat, De Rust.
YOUPSA’s Co-founder, Ray Schöne, designed and built the LFL cupboard himself, using recycled wood.
For more info about the ‘Little Free Library’ movement, go to www.littlefreelibrary.org