About us

learn more about who we are


Youth Potential South Africa – YOUPSA is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) founded in June 2015 by Ray Schöne and Alexis Salaman. YOUPSA operates in the De Rust area, Western Cape Province. We are the only education Nonprofit Organisation in the region.

YOUPSA brings education alive by igniting the inner spark in youth. When children discover their “spark”, they tap into their own unique talents and interests. Youth who have the ability to express their own personality and know what motivates them to do their best, develop a sense of purpose, empathy and social competence, achieve higher academic performance and contribute to the well-being of their greater community.

YOUPSA’s core programmes are:
– Creative Youth Empowerment
– After-School Enrichment
– Creative Teacher Empowerment
– Leadership & Team-Building for Students, Teachers and School Governing Bodies
– ‘Words Can Change Worlds’ Literacy Programme

YOUPSA is a Level 1 B-BBEE Exempted Micro Enterprise

rural kids
rural school
rural school
rural class room